
Addiction Treatment Services In Boston

The Retreat of Boston presents a distinctive detox and rehabilitation experience for those seeking a fresh start. The initial stride towards recovery involves recognizing one's personal battle with substance dependence. Following this, the crucial next step is to discover a treatment program designed to restore overall health, well-being, and happiness.

Inpatient addiction treatment rehabilitation programs offer the valuable opportunity to eliminate stress and other triggers that might hinder your recovery and perpetuate the cycle of addiction.

Our dedicated team is committed to providing the necessary framework for you to construct a life free from the weight of alcoholism, drug addiction, and mental health challenges.

Our Detox Programs

Discover a New Beginning at The Retreat of Boston

At The Retreat of Boston, situated near Boston, MA, our primary objective is to ensure that anyone in need of drug or alcohol detox receives vital assistance from our dedicated detox and addiction treatment center. Our specialized drug and alcohol detox facility is geared towards guiding individuals through the challenges of detox and ensuring they access the essential support.

We accept most insurance plans to facilitate access to our comprehensive drug and alcohol detox and addiction treatment programs. Contact us today to explore the possibilities of addiction treatment, whether for yourself or a cherished family member. Your journey towards recovery can begin with a simple call.

Take The First Step Towards Your Journey To Recovery

What People Say

Choosing The Retreat of Boston for my detox and recovery journey was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. The staff here is not only highly professional but also incredibly compassionate. From the moment I arrived, I felt welcomed and understood. The detox process, which can be daunting, was made as comfortable as possible, thanks to their medical supervision and medication-assisted treatment. They truly put my well-being first, addressing my individual needs and tailoring a personalized treatment plan.

Edward C.

What sets The Retreat Of Boston apart is their unwavering commitment to aftercare planning. They don’t just send you on your way after detox; they work with you to ensure you have the resources and support you need for a successful long-term recovery. I can’t recommend The Retreat Of Boston enough. They’ve not only helped me break free from addiction but also given me the foundation for a brighter, healthier future. If you or a loved one is seeking detox and recovery, this facility is the place to go.

Sarah L.

My experience at the Retreat of Boston was nothing short of life-changing. From the moment I walked through the doors, I was met with a sense of care and support that instantly put me at ease. The staff, without exception, were not only highly qualified but also genuinely compassionate. The therapy and counseling provided played a pivotal role in my recovery, giving me the tools to understand and overcome the root causes of my addiction. The holistic approaches like yoga and meditation were an unexpected but welcome addition, contributing to my overall well-being.

Daniel P.

Our Licenses

The Joint Commission